About Us
Founded in 2008 as a self-funding, nonprofit charitable Veteran Service Organization, the Service Veterans of Northern California Volunteer Honor Guard is a registered 501(C)(3) California Nonprofit Charitable Corporation comprised of both military and non-military volunteers primarily serving the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery in Dixon, CA. Our principal purpose is to augment the respective military service branches in rendering full and complete military honors to veterans who have served this country and are being interred at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery by providing the three rifle-volley salute.
Performing as many as ten services a day, the Service Veterans of Northern California Volunteer Honor Guard has provided full military honor services for veterans of WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq, and Afghan wars. Some of whom would not have otherwise received the military honors they deserved.
The primary duty of the SVNCVHG is in support of the respective military service branches and to provide the three-rifle volley salute. SVNCVHG team members are trained and qualified to assume the flag folding and presentation duties, the playing of “Taps” and firing rifle volleys as needed. The SVNCVHG rifle team is available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday by appointment. Our services are provided at no cost to the family of the deceased
The SVNC Volunteer Honor Guard is comprised of both military and non-military volunteers who have a strong commitment to uphold a time-honored tradition of providing final military honors to all eligible members of the U.S. Armed Forces. The SVNC Volunteer Honor Guard receives no government funding and is strictly a voluntary commitment whose members receive no monetary compensation.